This is the hilarious moment Gemma Collins appeared to ‘check in’ to a flight wearing a specially designed coat with 23 pockets.

The TV star’s clothing was bursting with travel essentials, including must-have minis in a waterproof-lined pocket, t-shirts, a beach towel, a pair of flip-flops, her phone and several charging devices.

The functional coat for frequent flyers, whose 23 pockets are a nod to the standard 23kg luggage allowance, was commissioned by SMARTY Mobile which has named it the ‘Roam Free Robe.’

It comes after a study of 2,000 flyers, also commissioned by the SIM only provider, revealed the top 20 bugbears when it comes to air travel and airports which include unexpected charges for overweight or oversized baggage, drop off car park fees and getting stung with charges to use your phone.

The number one annoyance was the inflated cost of airport refreshments, while those who over-pack holding up the queue to sort their bags and people who queue at gates hours before they need to also feature on the list.

Gemma Collins said: “I love flying abroad but let’s face it, before you get to enjoy that first cocktail on the beach it can be a right pain.

“As a girl who loves her clothes, you can imagine I don’t pack light.

So for me, it’s always tricky to avoid paying excess baggage fees.

So the Roam Free Robe is a no-brainer if you’re trying to get as much on the plane as you possibly can.”

The study also showed travellers – who will fly an average of three times annually – will pay an average of £78 a year in hidden costs, inflated prices and additional fees they’d not budgeted for.

When travelling by air, 24 per cent have had to pay extra because their luggage was too heavy, which made them feel annoyed (54 per cent), frustrated (42 per cent) and 24 per cent absolutely fuming.

And just over two fifths (22 per cent) have had to take belongings out of their suitcase and re-pack at the airport because their luggage was too heavy.

However, these stresses are not a problem for the 49 per cent of travellers who ‘always’ take time to weigh their luggage at home before going to the airport, to avoid additional charges.

The most common hidden charge deemed unfair by 39 per cent of those flying overseas are EU roaming charges and charges to use their phone while they’re there, which frustrates 31 per cent and is something that 59 per cent worry about before they travel.

And with good reason – as the average additional charge for mobile phone data usage abroad is £43.

But more than two fifths (43 per cent) of those polled via are unaware of what their network provider charges for roaming while abroad.

A spokesperson for SMARTY Mobile, which has up to 12GB of EU roaming included as standard in all its SIM plans, said: “When you travel abroad to enjoy your holidays, the last thing you want to be worrying about is the fear of being stung by hidden charges along the way.

“While it might be challenging for everyone to find a 23 pocket coat to help them at the airport, we’re here to help savvy travel goers navigate those sneaky hidden charges.

“Interestingly, just 43 per cent of people know what they’re charged for using their phone abroad – we want to save people bother while travelling, and maybe even a bob or two, so it’s worth finding this out before you travel.”


1.           Inflated food and beverage costs at the airport

2.           Seat selection fees

3.           People who recline their seat just as the food and drink has been served

4.           People who spend far too long loading their bag into the overhead lockers

5.           Passengers on flights who take off their seatbelts and stand up before the plane has stopped

6.           Short stay car park fees

7.           Premium prices at the airport shops for last minute travel essentials

8.           People who over-pack and hold up the queue while they sort their bags out

9.           The 100ml liquid rule

10.  Parents who don’t turn their kids’ iPad volume down

11.  People only getting their passports out when they’re at the front of the passport control queue

12.  Having to take electronics out at security (where applicable as some airports have high tech scanners)

13.  Having to pay to check-in at the airport

14.  Overweight or oversized baggage fees

15.  People queuing at gates hours before they need to

16.  ATM withdrawal fees

17.  Higher than expected currency exchange fees

18.  Having to pay extra to use your phone

19.  WiFi charges in airports

20.  Mobile phone charging stations that don’t work

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