Payment expert and POS provider SumUp have analysed new data revealing which UK cities are the most ‘sober curious’ as demand soars 200% in time for the world’s biggest beer festival.

Over recent years, conversations surrounding sobriety and the British public’s perception of alcohol have increased as the younger generation continues to reduce their alcohol intake. New data revealed by SumUp can reveal that those aged 18-24 are 46.9% more likely to not drink alcohol at all in comparison to their older counterparts.

Even Baby Boomers are becoming more open to a reduced alcohol lifestyle, with data from SumUp showing that they are 30% more likely to choose a non-alcoholic option when compared to other age groups. Making it clear that a more sober lifestyle is becoming more popular across a wide range of the public.

SumUp can also reveal that Google searches for “sober curious drinks” have soared by 200% over the past 12 months, and searchers for “what does sober curious mean” have risen by 136%.

Just in time for Octoberfest to kick off in many cities across the UK. With major cities such as London, Manchester, and Belfast hosting versions of the festival, many public houses will be looking to see which popular beers they should stock-up on for their patrons. But recent trends suggest that they should also seriously consider non-alcoholic options.

In response to this shift towards sobriety, payment experts and POS providers SumUp have revealed the most sober-curious cities in the UK, alongside advice for business owners looking to incorporate more low and no-alcohol options into their offerings.

What does sober curious mean?

Sober curious is a term referring to anyone who is questioning their relationship with alcohol and is interested in reducing their alcohol intake. In comparison to ‘sober’ individuals, sober-curious individuals may still drink alcohol.

The UK cities that are the most ‘sober curious’



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  1. Manchester

Coming in at number one, Manchester is the most sober-curious city in the UK. With a buzzing nightlife scene that even includes the UK’s first sober bar (they only sell non-alcoholic beverages), Mancunians have embraced the sober curious lifestyle with a 150% uptick in searches for “alcohol-free” over the past 12 months.

  1. = Sheffield

The Steel City comes in joint second place as the most sober curious city in the UK. With a thriving brewery industry and over 400 pubs across the 142 square mile city, Sheffield residents have seen a 100% increase in searches for “non-alcoholic” options over the past year. Suggesting that many of those venues will soon need to incorporate non-alcoholic options onto their menus.

2. = Belfast

Northern Island’s Capital, Belfast, joins Sheffield as the second most sober-curious city in the UK. Seeing a 100% increase in searches for terms relating to sobriety, the city is seeing a surge in the residents and visitors looking for non-alcohol-based beverages and attractions.

Bar manager comments on the rise in sober-curiousness

Luke Slater, Beer Connoisseur from The Cask Connoisseur, spoke exclusively to SumUp about customer trends in his bar relating to non-alcoholic sales:

“One noticeable trend is the growing demand for alcohol-free options, especially through our expanding mocktail selection. For nearly every alcoholic drink we offer, we strive to provide a low-alcohol or alcohol-free alternative, ensuring a wider range of choices for our customers. We’re also seeing a shift toward diet drinks over regular ones, likely driven by health-conscious decisions and the fact that sugar-free options tend to be more affordable…

We’re definitely seeing a younger generation drinking alcohol-free (around 25-40 in age). Interestingly, most of our alcohol-free drinkers are males looking for an alcohol-free beer, but we also do see a larger male customer base.”

How to incorporate alcohol-free offerings into your bar or pub

In light of this change in the UK’s approach to alcohol, Bart Visser, POS Lite Mission Lead at SumUp, has released some top tips for businesses looking to incorporate no and low-alcoholic options:

  1. Create a quality selection of options for your customers to choose from

“When adding no and low alcohol options into your business offering, it’s really important to dedicate time and thought to your products to make sure they match your customer’s taste and buying preferences. Try to start by including non-alcoholic options of your most popular alcoholic beers and wines, then move on to create bespoke drinks that are tailored to your individual location. This will give your customers a more tailored experience that can help put your business on the map.”

  1. Highlight your no and low alcohol options for customers to find easily

“To ensure that your customers can easily see which non-alcoholic drink options you have available, prominently display them on your menu, website, and signage in some fun branding. This will not only make it clear that you support their decision not to drink alcohol but will also show them that you have taken time to make non-alcoholic options readily available. You could also offer a “mocktail of the day” to encourage patrons to try something new!”

  1. Train your staff

“People choose not to drink alcohol for many different reasons, and all of them are personal. Ensuring that your staff is respectively informed on issues surrounding alcohol, and in turn, well trained on which drinks are suitable for non-alcohol-drinking customers is essential when creating a welcoming and supportive environment. They should also be able to answer any questions about ingredients for allergy purposes.”


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